Mitzvah Social Adds Remembrance to the Mix


In the spirit of Purim and to fulfill the traditional mitzvah of Mishloach Manot, the Bat Harim Group of Hadassah San Diego held a Mitzvah Morning Social on March 6. In collaboration with Jewish Family Service, they prepared Purim bags of kosher food and goodies which JFS delivered to the 70 Holocaust survivors living in San Diego. In addition, to remember the 1.5 million children killed during the Holocaust, and to honor our commitment to Never Forget, the women of Bat Harim painted ceramic butterflies that will be hung outside the Hadassah office, located in the San Diego Jewish Federation building.

The Butterfly Project is a global education and arts program whose mission is to paint and display 1.5 million ceramic butterflies to honor and remember each child killed in the Holocaust. It fosters education and awareness of the dangers of hate and bigotry by mobilizing the global community to stand up against injustice and create a more compassionate and peaceful world. The project was co-founded in San Diego in 2006 by educator Jan Landau and artist Cheryl Rattner Price as an initiative to take Holocaust education out of the textbook and bring it to life in a way that inspires students to make the world a better place. As of 2018, installations totaling nearly 210,000 butterflies have been created in communities of all faiths across the United States and in such diverse countries as Israel, Mexico, Poland, Australia, Czech Republic, Canada, and Argentina.

Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. (HWZOA), is the largest Jewish women’s organization in the United States. With nearly 300,000 members, Associates, and supporters, Hadassah brings women together to effect change and advocate on such critical issues as ensuring the security of Israel, combating antisemitism, and promoting women’s health.

San Diego’s Bat Harim Group meets the first Sunday morning or Monday evening of the month. For more information, email


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