Every Brilliant Thing 

A timely and life-affirming story about life & the human connection Ice cream. Water fights. Peeing in the sea and nobody knows. A ...

Leading CA Policymakers

Leading CA Policymakers Support Measures to Counter Antisemitism at JPAC’s Largest Ever State Capitol Conference Jewish Public Affairs Committee of California (JPAC), the ...

Embracing Empowerment

By Steve Rosenberg, In a world where safety and security are paramount concerns, the Jewish community faces unique challenges that necessitate a ...
April 2024

Passover is a Slave Revolt

By Francisco Gil-White Editor’s Note: Francisco Gil-White is an historian, political anthropologist and academic expert on the Middle East. A political anthropologist and ...

Operation Swords of Iron

In September 2023, Dana Ben Kaplan was contacted by the Emergency Volunteers Project (EVP) for a firefighter training deployment to Israel in October. ...
February 2024

Imagine the Passion

San Diego Ballet’s Latin Lover Comes to La Jolla San Diego Ballet’s Artistic Director Javier Velasco wants you to get swept away to ...

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