Advertise With Us

2024-2025 Advertising Rates
Offset Web Process printing. Actual page size 8.125” wide x 10.875” high.
Use a safe zone for text in ads, text must stay within the 7.375”w x 10”h for a full page ad.
Multi-Issue Discount |
20% Off |
30% Off |
40% Off |
1x RATE |
3x RATE |
5x RATE |
10x RATE |
Biz Card |
3.73 x 2 |
$275 |
$225 |
$200 |
$175 |
1/8 |
3.73 x 2.45 |
$300 |
$245 |
$217 |
$190 |
1/6 |
3.73 x 3.4 |
$425 |
$345 |
$305 |
$265 |
1/4 |
3.73 x 5.05 |
$600 |
$485 |
$425 |
$375 |
1/3 |
3.73 x 6.7 |
$700 |
$565 |
$495 |
$425 |
1/2 Vertical |
3.73 x 10.25 |
$1100 |
$880 |
$770 |
$660 |
1/2 Horizontal |
7.625 x 5.05 |
$1100 |
$880 |
$770 |
$660 |
2/3 |
7.625 x 6.7 |
$1325 |
$1065 |
$935 |
$805 |
Full (without bleed) |
7.625 x 10.25 |
$2000 |
$1600 |
$1400 |
$1200 |
Full (with bleed) |
8.375 x 11.125 (with bleed) |
$2000 |
$1600 |
$1400 |
$1200 |
Inside Cover |
8.375 x 11.125 (with bleed) |
$2250 |
$1810 |
$1590 |
$1730 |
Back Cover |
8.375 x 11.125 (with bleed) |
$2850 |
$2290 |
$2110 |
$1730 |
Also Available:
Inserts: Starting at $1400
Double Trucks (Create as two separate full pages with the single page specs above)
Publication Dates
L’Chaim Magazine is published 10 times a year and distributed at the beginning of every month
Sending print-ready ads: 300 dpi, CMYK JPEG, TIF, EPS or PDF
Art: 15th of each month.
Editorial: 10th of each month.
Questions or artwork? Laurie Miller, Creative Director
Place an ad: Diane Benaroya at 858-776-0550 or
ADVERTISING: All artwork (logos, product photos, and graphics) must be supplied by the advertiser. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to make sure all copyright issues with logos, photos, etc. are cleared up before submitting to L’Chaim.
• Ads produced by L’Chaim are copywritten by L’Chaim Magazine, LLC and are the property of L’Chaim Magazine, LLC.
• Requests for use or duplication of an ad produced by L’Chaim for use outside of the publication will incur a graphic design charge for ad production.
• All ads MUST adhere to the purchased size and vertical and horizontal proportions. If they extend beyond the purchased size, they will be fit to size.
• Ads sent as Microsoft Word documents, will be recreated by the L’Chaim Magazine.
Diane Benaroya, Publisher • Laurie Miller, Publisher
858-776-0550 •
I’m so very excited to be a part of the best Jewish publication in San Diego!