Kavod: Ahead of the Game


In today’s rapidly changing educational landscape, it’s ideal for schools to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to curriculum, technology, policies, and trends.  Kavod Charter School has always been ahead of the game. Their dynamic learning environment is constantly evolving, and they are proven leaders when it comes to classroom innovation. From instructional methodologies to supporting social dynamics, Kavod has found itself ahead of the game in implementing procedures that inevitably are seen as best practices or, at times, have even been turned into educational law within California.

At Kavod, these practices start with supporting the students with their personal growth. Made popular by Carol Dweck, Kavod Charter School has been implementing Growth Mindset strategies years before the methodology made its way into the common practices of classrooms. The “Power of Yet” is the mindset that: “If we don’t know something, we don’t know it yet.”  Kavod explorers are engaged in a program that understands that mistakes are a part of the learning process. Mistakes happen academically and in our social lives. Since Kavod began serving students in 2013, it has implemented restorative approaches that focus on how our social mistakes are also a part of growing. The Kavod team takes the time to see that every interaction has two perspectives and works to grow their students into respectful citizens by ensuring they understand how their actions impact others.

With the rapid growth of social media and smartphones, schools face increasing complexities when it comes to navigating the impact of social interactions in the educational setting.  Now making news due to LA Unified’s district-wide initiative of banning cellphones, it has always been Kavod’s policy that students may not have cell phones out during the school day.  Removing cell phones increases academics and reduces anxiety among students, and most importantly Kavod creates a community where students connect with one another and develop vital social skills.

While Kavod’s academic program is very rigorous, the team is cognizant to reduce stress and anxiety from students and their families. One of the ways Kavod accomplishes this is by limiting and/or eliminating homework. It has been proven that homework does not support the academic aptitude progress for elementary students. Therefore, Kavod students at the elementary level are not required to complete homework. This prioritizes family time at home and reduces unnecessary stress at home. Equitably, it is important to reduce stress during the school day as well. Just now turning into California law is required recess at the elementary school level.  Kavod, however, has always prioritized recess for their students, having upwards of four recess breaks a day for its younger students. Studies show the importance of recess and implementing this best practice has allowed the Kavod students to be in a mental state to engage in rigorous academics.

The State of California has also recently enacted into law the requirement of Cursive and just recently a CA voter initiative provided funding for the arts, but Kavod has always brought these skills to their students. Cursive has been a standard at Kavod starting with the third grade curriculum and music and art have been prevalent throughout their entire program. Kavod has a broad array of activities to engage students, but what they are most known for is their language program.  Research shows that children gain academic and social advantages when they learn a foreign language. In recent years, the state of California has placed a lot of emphasis on dual language and the cognitive benefits for students. Kavod is a unique gem, teaching modern-Hebrew in a non-religious setting and enriching their students with the benefits of Spanish as well!. As a Pathway to the Seal of BiLiteracy School, and an International Baccalaureate School, that is always ahead of the education landscape, Kavod Explorers have a strong edge in their academic foundation.

Kavod has it all and what is best about this program is that anyone in San Diego County can attend (if you are lucky enough to get a space). This program doesn’t depend on family finances, or religious affiliation, it is a diverse program open to everyone.

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