FEATURENovember 2021

Ben Butler at North Coast Rep


I was always a friend of Southern rights but an enemy of Southern wrongs.”

  • Ben Butler

North Coast Rep does a terrific job in its delivery of Ben Butler by writer Richard Strand.

A Civil War story, Ben Butler takes on racial stereotypes through the use of wordplay. At various times sarcastic, droll and witty, this clever dialogue and terrific acting make this play captivating and thought provoking. The story is about an escaped slave who shows up at Fort Monroe seeking sanctuary. General Benjamin Butler is then faced with an impossible moral dilemma, either follow the letter of the law and return the slave back to the Confederacy or make a game changing move that could alter the course of US history. What ensues is a battle of wits between Shepard Mallory, the slave, and General Butler.

One of President Lincoln’s top Generals, Benjamin Butler was hated and reviled by many, lauded and praised by others. He was unique, accomplished, imposing and original. He did many great things, and perhaps as many that were not so great. He was also a lawyer, politician and businessman. Some of his actions helped to change the course of American history.

The cast of four is extraordinary. Richard Baird, Brian Mackey, Brandon Pierce and Bruce Turk have brought their skill and talent to bear to create a wonderful artistic venture.

Ben Butler plays now through Nov 14 at North Coast Rep Theatre, 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach. For tickets and more, call (858) 481-1055or visit northcoastrep.org.


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